Deaddiction Counselling
Addiction is a psychological and physical inability to stop consuming a chemical, drug, activity, or substance, even though it is causing psychological and physical harm.
De addiction counselling helps you discover underlying problems caused due to trauma, stress and early exposure to substances of abuse and what causes you to engage in addictive behavior. In a session You will discuss ways to cope and potentially incorporate methods to reduce your dependencies. Addiction causes physical and mental side effects both such as cravings and withdrawal symptoms, increased stress and feelings of depression, anxiety or loneliness.
De addiction counselling with Pathways to Care, includes:
- Meeting with clients to evaluate their health and substance problem
- Identifying issues and creating goals and treatment plans
- Teaching clients coping mechanisms
- Helping clients find jobs or reestablish their career
- Leading group therapy sessions
- Family therapy Sessions
- Referring clients to support groups
- Setting up aftercare plans
- Meeting with family members and provide guidance and support
- Detoxification
- Motivational interviewing and incentives
- holistic activities
- Positive reinforcement